Sep 7, 2021Liked by Do Good Better

My husband has been teaching through the book of I Corinthians on Sunday mornings at our church here in Ghana. Your thoughts mirror so much of what was going on in that church - one that was a mix of Jews and Greeks who thought their way was the ONLY way. They had more than one language {they each thought was best}, more than one culture, more than one way of thinking about how teaching should be done. As a church that faces these very things {we have roughly 10-14 language/culture groups represented on most Sundays}, it has been so good for all of us. We are one IN CHRIST. ---Patty Sommer

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Sep 8, 2021Liked by Do Good Better

Thank you so much for these powerful and insightful words, which brought tears of joy and gratitude as I read them. Also the definition of, and blessing for having grace in many different areas and circumstances are very empowering, encouraging, and challenging (in a good way!). And I simply adore your youngest daughter's endorsement of Pillars :)

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