Love your thoughts! I do have a nativity set with Anna, Simeon, and Elizabeth with baby John on her back. I like thinking that the shepherds (or shepherdesses!) and the magi returned to their lives and told about what they had witnessed so that when evangelists came later there were people ready to believe in Jesus as Messiah.

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I remember that! One of my favorites.

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Thank you! This is something I've never considered. I may quote you...

"The word for shepherd used in Luke is a masculine word. I am not a Greek scholar. But I do know that in English, French, Somali, and many other languages one male presence will skew a corporate word into the masculine form. You could have 100 women and one man and a masculine term is used. So maybe there was a teenage boy. Maybe there was an elderly man. Maybe there were a few men. That doesn’t preclude the very likely possibility that there were many women among the shepherds."

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Thank you. Quote away!

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